It brings people together.
It makes things better.

Values and mutual respect.
Instant communications
Discounts work
Settlement offers
Editable payment plans
No middleman

Automate Your Internal Collections With A Few Clicks
$80 million
and counting
I saved 35%
Francis M.
I own my own business. Clients who do not pay really upset me
Randy L.
Businesses are
run by people is for your business
Lower Your Amount

Operational Efficiency

Learn more how ti3 works
Frequently Asked Questions
Why we started ti3?
We had one intention. To find a fix to the broken way that our great country tries to collect overdue accounts.
To replace bad energy with good energy. Bad solutions with better solutions.
To understand that at their core, everyone wants to do the right thing. These are our clients, both debtors and creditors, who know the power in their lives of doing the right thing and of fixing future problems before they escalate by taking action.
Time for a better way. One invoice at a time. For each debtor that we have helped solve it before consequences escalate, we have helped them take one big step in the right direction, and for that we are grateful.
How much does it cost?
If you a debtor, there is no cost to using ti3
If you are a creditor we have a 99c per invoice only plan, or a $49 monthly subscription plan that halves the effective per invoice cost to 49c.
For a client who needs more than a 100 debtors managed at the same time, we have plans that interact with 1,000 overdue debtors plus a higher plan, all interacting with your debtors at the same time.
The various plan details are included on the Creditors page here ➝
How does it work for debtors?
Debtors who receive text links from a Creditor using ti3 have a range of alternatives to settle, make plans or find a middle ground with the Creditor.
Debtors can also share their magic link with friends and family chipping in to part payments.
Debtors have access to our free editable template letters in the Debtors section to send to their other creditors who do not use ti3 to make offers and lower their cost.
The debtors page is here ➝
Disclaimer: ti3 is not a debt collector and is a highly designed software process for first party creditors only to work with their overdue customer accounts. ti3 does not offer legal advice. ti3 is a plain talking, highly targeted niche application to easy to access solutions to debtors and creditors to find a way to settle overdue debt in a solution positive mindset approach.
How does it work for businesses?
Businesses, usually the Creditors, select a plan then they can simply add a list of who owes them money to ti3.
ti3 then sms texts and emails the debtor once each week on a 5 week program with a link to settle their overdue account along with a magic ti3 text link to make payment or use the various alternatives available. The link page engages the debtor with your preset guidelines (discounts, payment plans that are acceptable to you, counter settlement amounts you maybe willing to accept) and automates all of this, including compliance and exportable audit trails for your business.
ti3 is pre-set by default including tone, escalation, discounts and plan parameters but all this is easily changed by a Creditor if they choose. It works straight out of the box.
On registering an account, simply use the New User Start feature to watch the videos, the debtor experience and how it all works to get started.
The creditors page is here ➝
Disclaimer: ti3 is not a debt collector and is a highly designed software process for first party creditors to work with their overdue customer accounts. Debt collectors may not use ti3. ti3 does not offer legal advice. ti3 is a plain talking, highly targeted niche application for debtors and creditors to easily access options to find a way to settle overdue debt in a solution positive mindset approach.
How do I cancel?
Debtors do not register a ti3 account and there is no need to cancel. Debtors can reply Stop to a text which ti3 respects but that does not impact the Creditors rights.
Creditors can cancel their monthly plan at any time by simply sending a cancellation request email to
7 reasons why we different
1 ti3 easily automates a repetitive task in a personal way.
2 There is no middleman and online payments go direct from the debtor to the creditor.
3 ti3 is not a third party debt collector (with all those regulations) but it helps you as a creditor following up repeatedly and engaging with late paying clients who have taken your goods or used your services.
4 Beyond the traditional 'pay now', our kinder messaging plus a 'pick and choose' approach in a basket of solutions for each debtor's personal circumstances. ti3 even adds an optional Go Fund Me approach by having a shareable magic link for friends and family to chip in to part payments.
5 ti3 creates customized payment plans within your guidelines and collects future payments automatically. Beyond straight line same amount per cycle, debtors can set have fluctuating amounts within your payment period. ti3 amazingly repairs and works with debtors to come up with revised payment plans if a debtor starts to miss and cannot keep up with future payments.
6 Realtime view of the summary and all activities and outcomes. Case files and audit trails are automatically created in real-time with recording and compliance in mind.
7 We auto check the quality of incoming data (is the email spelled correctly, digits on a telephone number) and flag bad contact (email discontinued, mobile no longer in service) and can auto find the latest replacement contact details
Did we mention we work easily with Excel to get information in and out?